---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.11 Notes 08/24/94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed Tab Order of controls * Resized and aligned controls slightly (command buttons looked a bit ugly with focus) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 Notes 08/23/94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Removed VBCTL3D from the project. No great need for it so why be dependent on it. * Replaced some buttons with Menus * Added About Box * NO VBXs required by this version (COMMDLG.DLL is still required) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did a little app some time back that would shell VB and compile a specified project but it only did one file at a time. I never got around to sprucing it up until recently when someone asked about this kind of thing, so I dusted it off and updated it a bit. What to do: When you press the Add button you will get a common dialog from which you select the MAK file for the project you want to add to the list. What did you expect? When you press the Remove button, all selected files will be removed from the list. Pretty obvious. Pressing Select All selects all the files in the list. When you press Compile all MAK files *selected* in the list will be compiled, in order. While VB is busy, VBMake will be minimized and it will restore when all is said and done. Make sure the Location of VB is specified (you must include VB.EXE on the end, not just the path, but hey it's a quickie). Oh yeah, it will beep after each file is compiled, in case your not watching. Remember, only *selected* files are compiled. Selecting File|Exit, exits the program, AT WHICH TIME the files in the list and the location of VB are written to VBMAKE.DAT for future use. You can modify the file manually if you want but the location of VB must always be on the first line. Take your chances. I didn't take a lot of time to do a real nice interface design but hey, it works and now I do clean compiles every time. Hope you find it useful. As usual, this software is provided as is, no warranty expressed or implied, blah, blah, blah. Enjoy! --Gregg Irwin [72450,676]